Champion confirmed in Estonia and Lithuania
Narva PSK and Energija Elektrenai keep the crown
Narva PSK confirmed the title won last season - the first for the club - in Estonian Meistriliiga by beating regular season champion HC Viking Tallinn, back to competitions after a long contentious with the Federation. Viking dominated the four-teams regular season, with Danil Galimullin and veteran Sergei Ivanov at first two places of scorers list, but was able to win just a game, the second of the series 3-5, in the finals. Narva had a complicated road to the title after the third place in regular season. After passing through debutant HC Tallinn in two battling semifinals 2-3 and 3-2, Narva used to its full potential to close the finals conceeding one one game to opponents.
"The result of the final series reflects the strengths of the two leading teams in the championship - said Federation President Rauno Parras to newspaper Sputnik during the award ceremony - Narva played very well, is the success of the players and the coaching staff. At the beginning of the season Narva had difficulties - notice Parras - but the staff were able to raise the level of physical fitness of players, so the roster arrived at the finish of the season in perfect shape."
To complete a season to remember, Narva won also U20 League, while Kajakas Tartu capturing U18 League after 4 consecutive titles of Narva
Energija Elektrenai once again dominated Lithuanian League, finishing the season with a perfect record of zero defeats for the second consecutive year, while the surprise of the season was Juodupè, runner up both in regular season and in the playoffs, beaten by Energija 5-2, 2-0 and 6-3 in the finals.
Juodupè veteran, defender Arturas Katulis was named playoffs MVP, Elektrenai Elvinas Karla won the award as best goalie and league Top Scorer Povilas Verenis was named Best Forward.
Federation President Petras Nauseda assesses very positively the season just ended: "We are growing! Five years ago it would be a dream to imagine the finals with grandstandings full of fans coming from all over the country. This season was a real fan season and no one can disagree on that, this means a bright present and a growing future for our hockey!