No surprises in Swiss Hockey Cup
02 Oct 2014 | Andreas Reiner
As expected, none of the lower seeded teams were able to keep the win at home in the first round.
The only team that could hold an even score was Biasca, the team from the southern Canton of Ticino kept a 0-0 until midway of the third period but in the end received two goals from NLA team Rapperswil-Jona Lakers. The draw for the second round will take place today. You can find a game recap of the Franches-Montagnes - EHC Biel here. Find the rest of the results below, the league is mentioned in brackets:
Franches-Montagnes (1.) - Biel (NLA) 1:12
Thun (1.) - Bern (NLA) 1:7
Brandis (1.) -
Langenthal (NLB) 2:5
Ajoie (NLB) - Genève-Servette (NLA) 1:4
Biasca (1.) -
Rapperswil-Jona Lakers (NLA) 0:2
Dübendorf (1.) - Kloten Flyers (NLA) 1:6
Lions (NLB) - ZSC Lions (NLA) 0:3
La Chaux-de-Fonds (NLB) - Lausanne (NLA) 1:6
Sion (1.) - Lugano (NLA) 2:5
Thurgau (NLB) - Davos (NLA) 0:4
Uni Neuchâtel (1.) -
Fribourg-Gottéron (NLA) 1:10
Winterthur (1.) - Zug (NLA) 1:7
Burgdorf (1.) - Olten
(NLB) 1:9
Visp (NLB) - Red Ice Martigny (NLB) 6:4
Bellinzona (1.) -
Ambri-Piotta (NLA) 2:3
Wiki-Münsingen (1.) - SCL Tigers (NLB) 1:7