After two consecutive Haydamaky Vinnytsya "no-show" in the games against Levy L'Viv, Ukraine Federation decided to postponed Haydamaky Vinnytsya - Sokil Kyiv games, scheduled for December 02 and 03. The dates and time of postponed matches will be announced later
(01 Dec 2013)
According to the channel "Hockey", during the meeting of Ukranian Professional League Executive Committee, Vinnyts'ki Haydamaky Vinnytsya announced team won't play in upcoming League due to lack of funds. Thus PHL will allign seven clubs: Donbas Donets'k 2, Sokil Kyiv, Berkut Kyiv, Companion Kyiv, Levy L'viv, Dynamo Kharkiv and Bilyỹ Bars Brovary.
(27 Aug 2012)
At the Executive Committee of PHL held in Kyiv on August 13, Bilyỹ Bars Brovary confirmed its partecipation in next Professional Hockey League. "Now we have a new, very solid sponsor" said Bilyỹ Bars Director.
The only team still unsure if partecipate is Haydamaky Vinnitsa. The situation, according to team director Valery Lukyantsev, will be resolved shortly. "I can say at now the budget is provided by 25-30 percent. It is not enough to engage in championship. We have to find the necessary money over the next 10 days to form a team" said Lukyanets.
(14 Aug 2012)